A few ideas.

1. Morning dance classes
Turn the rebetiko on, make a kitchen your dance floor and get lost in the music.

2. Read by a desk
Sitting upstright in complete silence, eyes are following the text and pencil in a hand is ready to write your ideas on the margin.

3. Or read on a sofa
Sofa, friends and tea with generous notes of orange and vanilla.

4. Housework
There are also tasks that may surprise you and require unlimited comfort - drilling, vacuuming, fighting with a tap or sewing a hole up to mention a few.

5. Invite for a dinner (by a candlelight)
Some situations require special preparation - a lit oven, folded napkins and candles. Just like in Lady and the Tramp.
Psst… Bubu bandanas will help you avoid tomato sauce stains.

6. Visit friends
Buy flowers or a chocolate box and visit your loved ones. Do it without any announcement. After all, you don't always have to have everything planned.

7. Shop
Visit a local bakery or grab an ice cream in your pyjamas. Just like that. It is more than enjoyable.